How do we identify a person to be gay ?

I am trying to answer something which many members have been asking time and again.

Before we find the answer let us find out what is the meaning of our Question. First who is Gay ? And why is he called Gay ? What special characters should be seen in a gay? How can we identify someone as being gay ?

Gay is a vague word which is used in laymen English to describe someone who is interested in same sex. In other terms in scientific words we can say someone who is Homosexual, meaning who has interest in same sex people and who indulges in sexual activity with same sex people. Now it can be between man and man and/or woman and woman. Of course for women we term it as Lesbian. Now the word Gay means being happy. In Oxford dictionary, you can find this word which literally means someone who is very happy and is content with his environment. Now for you people in this group who consider yourselves to be gay must also be happier by nature. If not then you need to do some introspection to know why you are not happy, are you real gay ?

About the characteristics of these people, there is nothing as such special in them which can determine their sexuality. Because it is not something which people can show on their face. So speaking frankly you can never identify if someone is gay or not. But with this statistics everyone will be worried, how do we find out then ?

Let me here tell you there are three types of gays in society. One who are truly and devotedly GAY and they are completely uninterested in girls. Second are those people who are eager to experience sex with who ever comes first. They are usually school or college going kids who by compulsion become homosexuals although they are having soft corners for girls too. The third kind are the bicurious gays, they are usually heterosexuals, means they enjoy sex with both boys as well as girls. These people exist everywhere in the society. They can be married and or unmarried too. Usually these people are middle aged married males who want to try out new avenues of sexual pleasure and they come searching for it in cute teen boys. You can never identify them.

Some people who are truly gays sometimes show feminine characters like their talking, walking and mannerism etc. Usually they are soft spoken, smooth body and pleasant personalities to be with and they make friends quite easily and much faster than anyone. These people usually try to avoid being in close proximity with girls and so you can easily identify them. In every relationship there is an active partner and a passive partner. You can easily find out who is the passive partner, but identifying the active partner is very difficult. The passive partner or so to say the bottoms often show exclusively feminine characters and they can be easily identified.

According to Medical Science, most people have homosexual tendencies. When you were in school you tried to look at your friends penis out of curiosity to see if it is bigger or smaller than yours and then some people also tried mutual masturbation as a form of sexual gratification. How ever innocent these things may feel, they were the signs that you are interested in same sex too. But then you got diverted by the presence of girls. So many guys try to refrain from homosexual thoughts and so indulge with girls, while some people after marriage try to experience homosexual flavours by declaring themselves as gays. Most people in the later ages of their marriage turn to become gays and you will be surprised to see more elderly gays than young gays in society. So if you are planning to hook up some uncle for sex, you have more chances of being successful than being with a young guy. Because young man try to be straight due to their hormonal effects and stud figure.

If you are a passive partner and searching for someone to be your active partner, then you are in a difficult situation. Of course the active male may find you himself and you both can have mutual understanding to go forward. So like you are searching for a partner everyone else is also searching and when the eyes meet, the chemistry will come up and you will meet. Like it is said, JODIYAN UPAR BANTI HAI. Someone somewhere may be waiting for you. Go roaming and meet many people and then you can know who is it.
